Who are we?
PEOPLE - We are a community group of volunteers who either live or are working locally to Manor Street in Braintree, Essex. We are all committed to our town and district.
Manor Community - Mission
Manor Community is a voluntary group birthed in the Spring of 2019 during a meeting with representatives from Braintree District Council, Pastor Andy and us. It was agreed that Manor Street and the surrounding area needed some practical attention and that members of the church family, as well as people from the wider community would work together with BDC and Braintree East (Pride in our Patch). We are aware that as practical improvements are made to an area, the atmosphere changes and community is transformed in all sorts of ways.
We have had multiple working parties. We have litter picked; tidied front gardens; provided and planted shrubs at Craig House (Peabody Trust) and tended the flower beds; cleared the bridge path at the Police Station and planted shrubs and bulbs at the Fire Station. We have hosted coffee mornings and always meet new friends. We have worked with Essex County Council clearing a public right of way footpath in the town.
RESULTS - There is a noticeable difference with less litter and an increasing refurbishment of both private dwellings and business premises. Community is being built as we get to know each other by name and work together. Our relationship is deepening with BDC. (Psalm 24:1)
Please keep Manor Community in your prayers and consider joining our next event. (Luke 10:1-2)
Contact us via this website if you would like further information.
Bless you,
Sheryl & Henry - ECB Representatives
Physical Improvements: Here we see an example of church and local council representatives working together for the benefit of the community in Manor Street.
Location: Outside Craig House