Senior Pastor


Andrew Knight

Andrew became the Pastor of Elim Church Braintree in August 2018, having served for 5 years at another Elim church in Essex. He is married to Gleisi, and together they have two daughters.


Office T 01376 326965

Mobile T 07818 707140



Nick Whipps

Nick is an experienced Elim minister with a pastoral heart. He has been part of the ECB team since Autumn 2023, and is passionate about enabling the local church to grow in faith and be fruitful. Nick and his wife Lesley have lived in Braintree for five years, and have three adult children and three grandchildren.

Jon Belgrove

Jon has been serving as part of the leadership team at ECB since 2012 and has demonstrated longstanding commitment in important church capacities. Prayer and Intercession is a significant aspect of Jon and his wife Danielle’s ministry. They live in Braintree with their three children, and are active in the community.

Henry Pradella

Henry is a retired Ordained Minister, having served for many years in Rainham, Essex. He is an accomplished Secondary Education practitioner, is a published author, and together with his wife Sheryl, very active in the Braintree community. The ECB church has benefited greatly from the ‘SHAPE’ Courses that have helped many people find their ministry giftings. Together, Henry and Sheryl operate in prophetic and teaching ministry. Their giftings have helped the church to identify and respond to God’s guidance to help prepare for what is to come. They have two grown up children, and four grandchildren.




Lesley Whipps

Lesley is part of the ECB Pastoral Team, but also leads one of the daytime Life Groups. She ministers on a number of our teams, and regularly supports our Limitless children and youth, and women’s ministries. Together with her husband, Lesley is passionate about establishing people as disciples of Jesus, and regularly leads ‘Freedom in Christ’ courses. She is also actively working in the community. Lesley loves to listen, and make a difference to one, and the many, with a heart to see God’s people recognise their identity in Christ.

Lesley is married to Nick an ECB Elder, and they live in Braintree, and have three grown up children and three grandchildren.

Pastoral Team

The church has an experienced team of leaders who assist in congregational pastoral care.

They are:

Henry and Sheryl Pradella.

Henry and Sheryl are retired Ministers. They love to disciple and love people into fulfillment and calling, and carry a prophetic emphasis. They are also very active and connected into the Manor Community outreach initiatives. Henry is also a published author.

Roger and Ros Grassham

Roger and Ros are retired Ministers who love to encourage and bring wisdom to people facing complex life challenges. They are active in prayer and prophetic ministry, and are connecting with other churches and leaders in and around Essex and nationally. Roger is also a published author.

Lesley Whipps, one of our Deacons, is also part of this team.