Bloom Ladies
ECB Womens Ministry
We are the Bloom ladies, who are a group of women from ECB. We run social events for ladies and encourage them to invite friends or family. We love to reach out, empower and support. We love to help all ladies flourish and grow (bloom) in their faith. Also to introduce others to Jesus. The Bloom ladies love to be together and share in the unity of God’s love, and to share God’s love and the message of Jesus Christ to all ladies.
Isaiah 35:1-2
The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into, “bloom”; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
We also aim to deepen our fellowship with the Lord; with each other, and those on the edge of Church life, as well as those in the wider community. For the latest events, click here.
Bloom is a movement of God to bring together women of diverse backgrounds, ages and nationalities to support and encourage one another. As our team have prepared, talked and prayed for ECB Women, we have a sense that God wants to: Empower, Renew, Transform, Equip, Grow, bring Freedom to women in our church and to our surrounding neighbourhoods.
God is at work to empower us to become the women He wants us to be, and to give us all a sense of belonging!
Bloom Women’s desire is to create a space for all women to learn, love, care and support each other. We laugh together and have fun; we learn from each other, study the bible and worship.
In our group we want to lift up the name of Jesus and encourage each other in the things of God. It is a safe place where women can find help and encouragement, and the Word of God is held in high honour.
There is time for us to sit around tables and have a natter with our friends, whilst enjoying refreshments. We have food, fellowship, and fun, as well as Bible studies, days out and more.
If you’re interested in joining our Bloom Women’s Group, please contact us. You will find that we’re a great bunch of Women and you will get to meet new friends.